Our tears have words 😭

If you’re anything like me, I don’t like to cry. When I cry, it feels SO intense, and laborious, and gut-wrenching. Yet, afterwards, I feel somehow relieved and grateful for the tears that poured out from the depths of my being.  The released tears were therapeutic for me and cleansing in my emotions , and I feel rejuvenated. 

We mostly associate tears or crying with sadness, suffering, grief, or pain. But, because our tears are an emotional and physiological expression deep from within, they can often express a range of different emotions or reactions.

We can cry because we’re happy. We can cry when we laugh at something very funny. We can cry when we are surprised. We can cry when we’re angry. We can cry to express empathy and compassion. We can cry just because we need to cry. And, the list goes on…

Research has found that in addition to being self-soothing, shedding emotional tears releases oxytocin and endorphins. These chemicals make people feel good and may also ease both physical and emotional pain. In this way, crying can help reduce pain and promote a sense of well-being. Crying also releases toxins from our body that are produced by stress and anxiety.

We learn more about ourselves, our passions, our burdens, and our heart when we reflect (before, during, or after) on our tears and ponder what they speak deeply from within.

I’m learning not to dread crying. And, I’m learning that my tears are words and emotions that need to be shed.

I invite you to listen to your tears as you grow in your journey of self-discovery and self-love.

I am a Life Transformation Coach & Strategist. To schedule your one-on-one virtual coaching sessions, email me: info@vickyreneehunter.com.

Transformation…it’s an inside job

Do you know that if you take an alcoholic off the street, clean him up, feed him daily, treat him well, and house him, he is still likely to get drunk and waste himself away. Because you’ve only changed things externally, but he’s the same inside. 

Change is temporary—transformation is eternal. 

This also is true of you (and me). If you relocate to a new city or even to an island, get a new job, find a new boyfriend/girlfriend, get plastic surgery, or perform any other external change, if you don’t transform on the inside, you’ll recreate the same toxic dysfunction or environment that you said you’d never return to.

Transformation is an inside job.

Transformation is hard work. And, just like the work a caterpillar does to change to a butterfly, it’s the work that creates lasting conversion. But it’s worth it for long-term, lasting gains. 

Do you long to change from being: gullible, passive, angry, manipulative, controlling, over-indulgent, gossipy, inhibited, withdrawn, overbearing, intimidating, naive, or other negative characteristics? 

Are there patterns in your relationships that you’d like to see change and you’re hoping the other person makes the first move? Or, are you thinking: if external factors would change—like more money, different environment, kids grow up and leave, or something else would change—then life will be better?

Truth is, you have very little—if any—control on external factors. Or, at best, you’re kept waiting with baited anticipation and high hopes that the external factors will change and have an impact on your situation.

Why wait? You can have different and better now. Because, what you can influence today is YOU. 

That’s encouraging! You have the power to impact your environment by changing YOU. 

It’s time to refocus and see the results you’ve been seeking for a long time. 

Vicky Renee Hunter, Life Transformation Coach