Do you ever find yourself—inside your head—over-functioning, over-analyzing, over-thinking, second-guessing, doubting, and sabotaging…over-functioning, over-analyzing, over-thinking, second-guessing, doubting, and sabotaging…repeat…
I know, sometimes I do.
How exhausting and overwhelming…
Sometimes, these processes can all seem like practical and smart habits. After all, we just want to be efficient, wise, thorough, and caring. Right?
And, in-control and on-top of life’s circumstances.
However, ALL of the above characteristics only give us the ‘illusion’ of control.
That’s right! You are only convinced in YOUR OWN mind (or want to be); and, that usually equates to needing to be RIGHT, PERFECT, or CONTROLLING.
And, they are ALL thieves of your destiny, your fulfillment, your happiness, and your peace.
Once you get on the treadmill of performance-based living, or the need to know, solve, understand, or fix everything, it’s so HARD to stop. It’s addictive and oftentimes even rewarded. But, it is taxing on your mind, your emotions, and your body—it is NOT good!
So, give yourself permission and intentionality to get out of your head—away from your crazy emotions and your consuming thoughts; and, realize IT’S JUST NOT THAT SERIOUS 🧐!
Relax your body, your mind, and your soul!
No more being uptight about ANYTHING…
(Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest) …Matthew 11:28