Many women are weighed down with low self-esteem. For some reason or another, we have a tendency not to think very highly of ourselves. We often value ourselves on the negative and critical side.
I believe this grieves God because He gave us great value, immense worth, undeniable significance, and unmatched purpose when He intentionally created us in His Image.
YOU are not coincidental; not a mistake; and not invisible.
You may not realize it, but YOU are necessary! You are irreplaceable and you cannot be duplicated. No one else can complete or fulfill the role you are here to live out—large or small.
***Let’s stop rehearsing, repeating, and reflecting on things that are not true about ourselves.
***Reverse this by meditating on scriptures from the Bible (TRUTH) that affirm what God (your Beloved Creator) says about you!
***Repeat these truths AUDIBLY (and regularly) to replace the lies you’ve been rehearsing about yourself.
***And, pray and ask God to renew your mind and to release you into ALL that He created you to be… (He formed you so He knows best and He has ALL the answers regarding every dimension of your being and your existence).
Sooo, no more hiding or holding back 😊. Bring what you got 🎬… ( I’ll join you on this stage—called life 😉)
…hugs n love … (…that your inward man be renewed day by day…)