I don’t know about you, but I have decided in this BRAND NEW season that it’s time to stop playing small….because I serve THE Almighty BIG GOD and He’s my Abba, Father!
The time is ‘NOW’ to evolve into ALL that God has created YOU to be.
Stop looking around comparing yourself to everyone else;
Stop complaining, making excuses, and procrastinating;
Stop blaming your past, yourself, and yo’ momma-and-them;
Let it all go!
Step into YOUR unique destiny and impact the world with YOUR presence.
Let’s do this … it’s time
“And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” (Rev 21:5)
Do you ever find yourself—inside your head—over-functioning, over-analyzing, over-thinking, second-guessing, doubting, and sabotaging…over-functioning, over-analyzing, over-thinking, second-guessing, doubting, and sabotaging…repeat…
I know, sometimes I do.
How exhausting and overwhelming…
Sometimes, these processes can all seem like practical and smart habits. After all, we just want to be efficient, wise, thorough, and caring. Right?
And, in-control and on-top of life’s circumstances.
However, ALL of the above characteristics only give us the ‘illusion’ of control.
That’s right! You are only convinced in YOUR OWN mind (or want to be); and, that usually equates to needing to be RIGHT, PERFECT, or CONTROLLING.
And, they are ALL thieves of your destiny, your fulfillment, your happiness, and your peace.
Once you get on the treadmill of performance-based living, or the need to know, solve, understand, or fix everything, it’s so HARD to stop. It’s addictive and oftentimes even rewarded. But, it is taxing on your mind, your emotions, and your body—it is NOT good!
So, give yourself permission and intentionality to get out of your head—away from your crazy emotions and your consuming thoughts; and, realize IT’S JUST NOT THAT SERIOUS !
Relax your body, your mind, and your soul!
No more being uptight about ANYTHING…
(Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest) …Matthew 11:28
Many women are weighed down with low self-esteem. For some reason or another, we have a tendency not to think very highly of ourselves. We often value ourselves on the negative and critical side.
I believe this grieves God because He gave us great value, immense worth, undeniable significance, and unmatched purpose when He intentionally created us in His Image.
YOU are not coincidental; not a mistake; and not invisible.
You may not realize it, but YOU are necessary! You are irreplaceable and you cannot be duplicated. No one else can complete or fulfill the role you are here to live out—large or small.
***Let’s stop rehearsing, repeating, and reflecting on things that are not true about ourselves.
***Reverse this by meditating on scriptures from the Bible (TRUTH) that affirm what God (your Beloved Creator) says about you!
***Repeat these truths AUDIBLY (and regularly) to replace the lies you’ve been rehearsing about yourself.
***And, pray and ask God to renew your mind and to release you into ALL that He created you to be… (He formed you so He knows best and He has ALL the answers regarding every dimension of your being and your existence).
Sooo, no more hiding or holding back . Bring what you got … ( I’ll join you on this stage—called life )
…hugs n love … (…that your inward man be renewed day by day…)
I’m realizing, in this life that God has SO blessed us with, He has given us choices. LOTS of them. Ok, no surprises there. He created us as free moral agents with the capacity to choose. Nothing is forced upon us.
In the Garden of Eden, there was abundance and prosperity. All was good, very good— freely given by God, Our Loving Creator—promising a fulfilling life. Yet, there was also the option for the forbidden, another possibility, something else to consider, with a different outcome, one leading to death.
So, God lets us know UPFRONT, He creates choices in life to consider. They will ALL fill our mind, our heart, and our thoughts—good and evil, life and death, blessings and curses.
BUT, He admonishes us—to ONLY CHOOSE THE ONES THAT BRING LIFE—not the ones that lead to death and destruction.
Some of the thoughts that run through our minds will lead to good, blessings, fulfillment, satisfaction, and joy. Others will lead to harmful actions/behaviors, vain imaginations, futility, low self esteem, regrets, and chasing after the wind (things that add up to=NOTHING!)
Let me warn you—just as it was with the ten spies (Numbers 13: 25-33) that came back with an evil, hopeless, self-defeating report (after spying out the good in their future, seeing the greatness that was ahead of them, and craving the promise that belonged to them) —the negative choices might outweigh the good ones.
Yes, the misguided thoughts in your head MAY BE numerous, repetitive, AND loud; they will even seem to be THE MAJORITY (the most dominant options) —
However, back to Numbers 13: there were also two other spies—THE MINORITY—who chose the life-giving options and they quieted the negative ones. . They said “We got this!” and “We CAN do this!” so, “Let’s go!”
You are going to HAVE TO FIGHT to hold onto the good, most promising, uplifting, productive thoughts you have—and choose them only.
So, when your mind is flooded with dreams, hopes, aspirations, and plans for good; alongside thoughts of doubt, worry, excuses, insecurity, defeat, and lots of reasons why you aren’t qualified or capable—that’s normal!
It is a Faith Fight !! Whose report (thoughts) will you believe?